Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace


SSA a cappella

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Three verses of exquisitely unusual 3-part harmony, written for the ceremony to commemorate the discovery and return of the remains of a fallen Viet Nam soldier, Ron Manning of Toronto, Ohio, finally laid to rest in the year 2000.  Read more.

Amazing Grace, sung by the Kuhn Sisters
Be Thou My Vision, women's trio, a cappella, by Karen Shell Be+thou+My+vision+p1.GIF

Be Thou My Vision

Coventry Carol Coventry p1.GIF

Coventry Carol

The Baptism of the Lord, SATB choir and piano Words & Music by Karen Shell

The Baptism of the Lord

Words & Music by Karen Shell. Arranged for SATB and organ/ piano. Octavo In Communion p1.GIF

In Communion

My Brothers & My Sisters My Bro & Sis p1.GIF

My Brothers & My Sisters
