My Brothers & My Sisters

My Brothers & My Sisters


SA 2-part choir with piano.
Words & Music by Karen Shell.

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A song of forgiveness. Based on Matthew 5: 23–24 and Penitential Rite A, perfect for the first part of Lent; easily performed by elementary grades.  Three unison verses and 2-part refrain. Easy-intermediate accompaniment.

This song was a favorite of the youth choir I directed for several years.  The alto harmony is simple to learn, and the "mantra refrain" at the end has a satisfying build of intensity the children enjoyed.  Although the song is also appropriate for adults to sing, the poignancy of children calling upon us to forgive each other was not lost on the teary-eyed congregation! More details and an audio sample in the blog entry, “My Brothers & My Sisters”

Words & Music by Karen Shell. Arranged for SATB and organ/ piano. Octavo In Communion p1.GIF

In Communion

The Baptism of the Lord, SATB choir and piano Words & Music by Karen Shell

The Baptism of the Lord

Be Thou My Vision, women's trio, a cappella, by Karen Shell Be+thou+My+vision+p1.GIF

Be Thou My Vision

O Holy Night blue.JPG O Holy Night p5.JPG

O Holy Night

Coventry Carol Coventry p1.GIF

Coventry Carol
