What is your shipping policy?

If the material you order is in stock, your order will be shipped within 48 hours (except for Sunday).


For now, Hassamarra Publishing is using first class mail through the US Postal Service.  Shipping & Handling rates are based on weight as follows:

Up to 1 lb.:  $2.35

Up to 2 lbs.:  $3.50

Up to 3 lbs.:  $4.25

Over 3 lbs.:  $6.75

(For your calculations:  One pound is approximately 5 pieces of sheet music, 2 Boogie Books, or 9 anthem-sized pieces.)


International rates are not yet established.  Please send a request to hassamarra@sbcglobal.net .

Any other questions?

Please use the form below to submit any other pertinent questions, or FAQs you would like to see included on this page.  Thank you!