Salt & Light

“You are the salt of the earth; you are the light of the world.”

   This is that wonderfully positive reminder that comes once every three years in the lectionary cycle, and 2020 is the year, February 9th is the day, and I have just the song to reinforce the message! 

Salt & Light is an original work for adult choir, inspired in 2014 when I was searching for something for my choir to sing that would follow the thread of what I imagined the sermon might be.  Of course, I’m never sure what direction the preacher will take – so what could be better than using the exact words of the readings themselves?

   The lyrics to Salt & Light are taken right out of both the old and new testament readings for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, which are Isaiah 58: 7-10 and Matthew 5: 13-16.  The two verses and bridge are mostly from Isaiah, and the refrain is from Matthew.  The music is joyful and tonal, harmonies containing fleeting major ninths and sevenths, and rhythms syncopated in four-four time – somewhat reminiscent of the Hal Hopson choral style we cut our teeth on in high school choirs during the 60s and 70s.

   Salt & Light is a cappella SATB – not for the faint-hearted.  It will take some work, but my 12-member volunteer choir can pull it off!  Maybe yours can, too!

You can listen to our rendition here. (A big thanks to the combined adult choir of St. Francis and St. Joseph Churches of Toronto, OH!)