Hassamarra Publishing

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Substitute Small Ensembles for Choir this Fall

What’s this?! No church choir??

As a choir director and lifelong lover of choral singing, by the time summer break is over, I’m raring to get the choir started again! Who would have imagined that one of the most dangerous things we can do in the Year of the Pandemic is the life-affirming act of singing together? The very activity that has been touted for its health benefits, its camaraderie, its production of endorphins: Danger, Will Robinson! It seems all that deep breathing and joyful noisemaking also spreads respiratory droplets like nobody’s business, and there’s hell to pay if any of those droplets are vehicles for COVID-19.

However, even though it looks like choirs will have to hibernate for a while longer, we still might be able to present special music to enhance our church services, depending on the rules established in each locality. Solos, duets, and trios can be managed with the required social distancing, and even better if the performers live in the same household.

Hassamarra Publishing offers three sacred music pieces for treble voices that would only require three people to execute. Two are a cappella trios: Amazing Grace and Be Thou My Vision. The third is a duet that needs an accompanist: My Brothers & My Sisters. The messages in all three songs are fitting at any point in the liturgical year, and for a limited time, you can get them at 10% off their already low prices.

Amazing Grace on sale for $1.12…Item description and purchase cartMore details (blog)

Be Thou My Vision on sale for $1.30… Item description and purchase cart

My Brothers & My Sisters on sale for $1.35… Item description and purchase cartMore details (blog)