The Beginning

DAY ONE:   Welcome to Hassamarra Publishing!  Thanks for visiting and for exploring the new website!

Special thanks to Peter Shell (one of my DNA carriers) for convincing me to abandon the version of Hassamarra that arrived online last month without a shopping cart or proper search engine keywords.  He’s been an amazing help with ideas, design, data input, encouragement, and incentive to get on the ball and finish up the details!  (“Push the pedal down, Mom!”)

So far it’s all music that has been stacked on the shelves or shimmering in the computer, waiting to be shared for quite a few years.  There will soon be a few books and CDs as well – I hope you’ll return periodically to see what’s new.  Sign up for a monthly newsletter to see the latest additions.

To celebrate the Grand Opening, you can get a 20% discount (code word: GO!) until April 15 (or at least that's what I've entered in the Discount info!  Let me know how that works!)

More later…music to write, books to print….

Karen Shell