Hassamarra Publishing
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Hassamarra Publishing
Supporting the creative community of the Upper Ohio Valley

Hassamarra Publishing

Great Prices — Locally produced products — Environmentally conscientious —

Supporting the creative community of the Upper Ohio Valley

Home of My Boogie Books





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Boogie Books

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Music CDs



Blog Contents

Read in depth about how songs were written, ideas/people/events that sparked their writing, and what you may encounter when performing them.

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When you buy from Hassamarra
Publishing you are:

  • Supporting recycling
  • Helping the little guy
  • Enlivening community
  • Voting for a fair system
  • Supporting your peers
  • Looking to the future
  • Giving hope to the planet



Hassamarra’s Mission & Philosophy

The goal of Hassamarra Publishing is to provide a platform for selling creative works that originate here in the Ohio Valley, where talent is so abundant but too often overlooked in favor of the glossy world of celebrity.  A driving motivation behind creating Hassamarra Publishing is fair compensation to these artists.   Please know that your purchase will actually help support them with a much better return for their work than from the typical large publishing company.  It's all about the people, the passion, and the love!

The Founder


Hi!  I'm Karen Kuhn Shell, lifelong musician living in a small town on the Ohio River.  I've been writing music for half a century now, earning my keep on the planet mostly by teaching piano, directing choirs, and playing the organ for various churches.  To see more about my background, please check out the May 1st blog, "Karen Shell Bio." 

Thank you for your interest in Hassamarra Publishing and for supporting our Ohio Valley musicians!
